Yes, Olowe of Ise, Let The Women Bring Their Gifts
Ink dyes, acrylic and graphite, graphic marker on wood panel
152 x 92 cm

Post-lockdown, I was moved to paint and find answers within myself when observing the inequities and injustices that have reared their head again at this time.
Within Olowe of Ise's magnificent sculptures, he always portrayed the value of the female energy and the role it plays in rescuing, reconstructing and nurturing a civil environment.
In this work we witness the toppling of Olowe of Ise's Royal Presentation Bowl and the repercussions this has on each generation. The stark representation of children playing but with an uncertain future, not knowing if they will end up as victims on the pavement with the homicidal white outline marking their sentence. Similarly, the white outline of the leaves marks the uncertain future of our environment.
I have also used the technique of what I refer to as 'stacking' - a technique often used in African art - for example, on Dogon granary doors - to represent the narrative of the Diaspora.
And in the last section we see the lid of the ceremonial bowl back in place, giving us hope.