Why Can't I See The Stars?

Acrylic ink, paint and graphite on wood panel
87 x 91 cm
A young boy asks the question, "Why can’t I see the stars?", directing it at his father. The father's hesitation clearly exposing that he does not have an answer to his son's question. His wife glances over to him, a little disappointed that she will have to answers her son's question yet again and she knows why. As one baboon look over to her companion she too is a little shocked as to why he has resorted to books to find the answers; how does he not know this, she wonders. And the thought comes that he has lost his way.
The strange world of mythology and the mystical has seeped its way into modern life. And most of us are unaware as to how it has coloured our thought patterns often raising more questions than answers, raising doubts and anxieties about the world we live in.
When we were young we all looked to our parents, teachers and elders around us at some point in our lives expecting them to know the answers to the most difficult questions that puzzled us. But if a baboon can know why can’t we?